Mission Statement: MircleKid is dedicated to helping individuals better understand the special needs population, which includes all of us. Our website contains information regarding various special need conditions and lists their statistics. In addition, MircleKid offers guidance as to where and how to find treatments for these problems.
Seizure Disorders
Dragon Pig
Special Needs: Seizures Disorders
Best Friend: Lil’ Bud and Andrew
Birthday: Ageless
Hobbies: Playing tag
Favorite Movie: The Sword and the Stone
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Seizure Classification:
Focal – Involve only one area of the body.
Generalized – Involving both sides of the brain (Grand Mal)
Absence (Typical or Atypical) Petit Mal
Stiffness or Myoclonic Clonic, tonic, tonic-clonic, and atonic (astatic)
Acquired Brain Injury is any type of brain damage that happens after birth. Disease, substance abuse, Cerebral Palsy, infection, or Traumatic Brain Injury can cause this damage.
Brain tumors, both benign and malignant
Chemical Imbalances occurring in Schizophrenia with abnormalities of Dopamine and Serotonin
Drugs – Illicit and some medications
Fever – Cancers, Infections, and Endocrine
Idiopathic – No known cause
Infections – Bacteria, Viruses, Prions, Worms, Protozoa
Traumatic Brain injury is due to a blow to the skull or when an object penetrates the skull and enters brain tissue.
Treat the cause with supportive care and medications.
Traumatic brain injury should be evaluated and treated with therapy inpatient or outpatient therapy. Adjuvants of Hyperbaric Oxygen therapy, medications, and family/friend support can be helpful. There are specific hospitals and medical centers that specialize in the treatment of Neurological Brain Injury. Lists of these centers are: