Mission Statement: MircleKid is dedicated to helping individuals better understand the special needs population, which includes all of us. Our website contains information regarding various special need conditions and lists their statistics. In addition, MircleKid offers guidance as to where and how to find treatments for these problems.
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Wolf Spiders
Special Need: Advocate
Best Friend: Lil’ Bud and all of the Dragons.
Birthday: Ageless
Hobbies: Fighting against the injustice of the Special Needs population
Favorite Movie: Superman
A person who works for, argues for or supports a cause or policy.
A person or an agency who is familiar with a person's problem or problems who supports another’s cause by representing them.
A patient advocate helps patients communicate with their healthcare providers so they get the information they need to make decisions about their health care.
A patient advocate can also represent a patient in the healthcare system.